Kitchen & Bath Classics

How to Prepare a Kitchen and Bathroom for Renters

Written by kb_admin | August 24, 2018 6:36:00 Z PM

If you own an investment property or income property such as a rental house or an Airbnb, you’re likely looking to maximize your return on investment (ROI) with the property. That means you’ll want to fully prepare the property to suit renters’ needs to ensure they leave pleased with their stay at your home.

The kitchen and bathroom or bathrooms in a rental property are two of the most important aspects of a rental. To prep a kitchen and bathroom for renters, follow the tips below:

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

1. Clean, clean, clean!

In general, your most important move to prepare for renters is to clean your rental property properly. The first step of your approach toward getting a house or real estate property ready for renters or a new tenant will especially be to deeply clean the kitchen and the bathrooms. This means mopping the floors, polishing appliances, scrubbing sinks and toilets, and more!

Additionally, while cleaning, don’t forget to look up at your ceiling. Get rid of cobwebs, dust, and grease that may be left behind from fans and light fixtures. Below is a list of items or parts of your rental you shouldn’t forget to clean when preparing for renters:

  • Clean the bathroom tub and clean tiled shower stalls.
  • Scrub kitchen cabinets and bathroom cabinets inside AND out.
  • Give grout a good scrubbing.
  • Wipe down mirrors and reflective surfaces to be free of fingerprints and marks.
  • Polish hardware and fixtures such as bathroom and kitchen faucets.

Photo by wu yi on Unsplash

2. Stock the kitchen

In order for your rental kitchen to be usable for renters, it needs to be stocked with the right equipment. This means you’ll need to purchase or prepare a set of utensils and cutlery for your tenants or renters to use.

Usually, it’s a good idea to stick with steel equipment and equipment of different metals. Metals and steel tend to be less porous materials, making them more hygienic. Hygiene is important when you’ll have different groups of renters staying at your property over time. These less porous materials are also easily washable, which is ideal for a rental property where you’re not sure how well renters will be cleaning the provided utensils and tools. 

Additionally, to prepare a kitchen for renters, you’ll need to provide some pots and pans in a range of sizes to make sure they're suited to tenants. When it comes to dishes such as plats, dinner bowls, and cups, K!TCHN Mag recommends providing twice as many as the number of tenants that will be staying in your Airbnb or rental, as this is usually what renters expect.

And, just because this kitchen is in a rental, doesn’t mean it needs to lack colour or style. Consider adding come colourful equipment such as small appliances, utensils, or cutlery.

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4. Stock the bathrooms

When it comes to your investment property or income property, rental, or Airbnb, those renting out the property will expect the bathroom or multiple bathrooms to be completely spotless. Short-term renters of these properties will also expect to use good quality towels. In rental properties, renters will usually expect that you provide at least one set of towels. Make sure you have two bath towels, two hand towels, and two washcloths on hand.

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5. Invest in installations that save energy

When upgrading your bathroom to prepare for renters, think about the toilet you currently have installed. As an energy-saving upgrade that you should consider as a landlord or property manager, a low-flow toilet could be a great investment for your rental property.

Additionally, low-flow showerheads are a great bathroom upgrade that won’t cost you too much but can save you a lot of money in the future.

To find energy-saving and eco-friendly upgrades for your rental such as low-flush toilets, low-flow showerheads, or low-flow faucets, head to your local Kitchen & Bath Classics showroom.

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6. Makeover a kitchen or bathroom with paint

Adding a fresh coat of paint to a bathroom or kitchen in a real estate property or investment property can instantly update the appeal of the room. A can of paint can cost about $25 but can lead to a complete transformation by reviving tired walls.

It’s best to choose a paint that is satin or semi-gloss, The Balance Small Business recommends. The Balance Small Business advises that these types of paint make marks, scuffs, or even grease easy to wipe off. This is opposed to flat paint, which you normally would need to paint over any stains.

When painting your bathroom or kitchen in your income property, don’t forget to hit any trim you may have as well. You wouldn’t want to have fresh painted, sparkling walls that are accented by dirty or drab moulding.

When working towards preparing your investment property for renters, stop by a Kitchen & Bath Classics showroom, where you’ll find everything you need to update and prepare the two most important rooms in your rental—the kitchen and bathroom.